terça-feira, 3 de novembro de 2009


Where we all go in circles
There’s a big chance we might meet
There are a million opportunities to each one
Where we all fight for live
Where we all crush into something

Little Roundabout
Where we can get lost
There’s nothing like it
There’s just living it
Where we dance, laugh and cry
Where all goes and comes

Little Roundabout
Where are you taking me?
I’ll go with you
I’m going in circles
Circles are taking me
Wait I can’t keep on
On going around
Around all alone

Little Roundabout
Full of expectations
Where there’s all and there’s nothing
A journey that seems to end one day
Till then let the roundabout take me
Take me on this journey with all the chances
And the risks, but I’m going
Watch out little roundabout!
Here I am!

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